Final Project Idea

29 Mar 2022


The problem: Journal editors and conference chairs find it increasingly difficult to find reviewers for publication manuscripts. At the same time, researchers receive an overwhelming number of invitations to review papers.

The solution: We propose a platform that better matches papers for review with potential reviewers by pooling researchers with similar interests together. Editors/chairs can post abstracts in need of review and researchers can select abstracts of papers they’d like to review.


Users can register on the platform and complete a profile as a researcher (for reviewing) and/or for editor/chair (to publish abstracts). Researchers can join focus area groups and submit interest to review a paper.

The application has two user roles:

Some possible mockup pages include:

Use case ideas

Whether or not the following bullet points list all pages or not, the completed use case should show an end-to-end scenario of using the system.

Beyond the basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features:
