As I wrap up my graduate software engineering class at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, I sit back and revel in the fact that the end is only the beginning. Programming is an adventure, and software engineering is a...
About halfway though the final project for my graduate software engineering class at University of Hawaii at Manoa our professor asked us to consider the steps necessary for publishing our project. While I have been doing grant funded research during...
In my undergraduate software engineering class, I was introduced to Semantic UI. You can read about my early experiences with Semantic UI in my UI for Dummies article. Three years later, and I have found myself using Semantic UI for...
Coding standards can be very useful once you get used to them, especially when combined with code inspections to alert you to issues while you are programming. While this is great for someone with programming experience, what about beginners? A...
In a recent ACM Tech Talk, Titus Winters, a senior software engineer at Google, talks about Google’s strategy to managing its codebase. Summary What’s Google’s secret to software engineering? Titus breaks it down to three principles: time, scale, and tradeoffs....
In the article How To Ask Questions The Smart Way, authors Eric Raymond and Rick Moen go on a rant about the stupid questions posted on the internet, and what you can do to ensure that your questions are “smart”...
For those of you who do not know, I started my academic career in engineering. I bounced around a bit and eventually landed on civil engineering. Coming from an engineering background, I have always approached problems with a very methodical...
To First-Class and Beyond! In this article, I’m going to discuss the basics of first-class and higher-order functions and why you should consider using them if you are not already. You can use first-class and higher-order functions in a variety...
What is Ethical? A big issue with ethics in computer science is that the definition changes depending on who you ask. What is the difference between a white-hat hacker verses a black-hat hacker? If a white-hat hacker is working for...
If there is one thing that backend developers hate more than anything, it’s the User-Interface (UI). For some reason, we have the mindset that if the command line works for us, it works for you too. Sadly, that is just...
Coding standards, you will either love them at first sight or curse the day someone required you to use them, but I think they eventually grow on you. Beyond Tabs vs Spaces Although an eternal debate among programmers, using tabs...
To let or Not to let In this post, I’m going to explain my stance against using a new feature in JavaScript ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the let and const keywords, with regards to web development. let and const allow for...